
Kimann and Mike Schultz with Erin Borrisov (right) at Night of Vonnegut.
Non-profit organizations rely on the kindness of donors: folks who give of their time, talent, and treasure. Kimann and Mike Schultz are two such people who make an enormous difference at the KVML. Kimann is a writer and illustrator who has supported us since 2015, first as as an advisory board member and now with the executive board. As a blogger with HuffPost, she wrote about the library, our causes, and events to raise national awareness. Kimann’s husband Mike, a partner at the law firm Parr Richey Frandsen Patterson Kruse, has donated legal services as both litigator and advisor to the KVML. His firm even donated temporary office space to our staff and has contributed towards several events as a major sponsor. We sat down with the power couple to learn why they so fervently support the KVML as monthly donors.
Why do you support the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library (KVML), and why do you believe it’s important to donate monthly?
We donate to the KVML because we are fans of Kurt Vonnegut’s legacy, and we believe in the outreach of the KVML, from programming that focuses on the myriad concepts of community to the support for our service men and women. We also believe in the KVML support of free speech, especially via creative expression.
And as for donating monthly, well, one must pay the bills in order to keep the lights on, both literally and figuratively. To that end, we are committed to making monthly payments to help with the reality of this basic, fiscal responsibility.
At the KVML, we promote the ideals that were important to Kurt Vonnegut: the arts and humanities, veterans, mental health, the environment, common decency, civic engagement, social justice, peace, etc. What is it about the work we do that stands out to you and why?
All these items are reliant on connection and cooperation; hence, the KVML functions on principles of positive societal principles, which are organically sustainable. They are not founded on destruction or negativity reliant achievement. It’s what we utilize as citizens and arts supporters and as a committed couple with our family. We believe these positive paradigms work equally as well in all larger familial circles, from neighborhood to community to society on outward to mankind itself.
You’ve been involved with our organization for a long time. What are your favorite events and/or memories?
Two that stand out are the 2015 Lewis Black appearance at Night of Vonnegut, where Lewis delivered an inspired and moving speech to a rapt audience, and the 2014 Veterans Reclaim Armistice Day event, where I (Kimann) had the honor to introduce the event and speak briefly on the cathartic benefits of creative expression as a means to healing and connectivity with others. Most recently, KVML hosted literary luminary Salman Rushdie, who also proved inspirational and delightful.
Why do you think celebrating the 50th anniversary of Slaughterhouse-Five is so important?
Golden anniversaries are a happy and honorable celebratory tradition, and with Kurt’s rising star as a literary icon and 543 Indiana Avenue newly acquired as permanent home for his namesake library and cultural center, the cause to celebrate and inspire membership growth is doubly warranted.
What are your thoughts on the new building and the future of KVML?
It couldn’t be a better placed, iconic location and building that will no doubt become a star on our local – and global – map.